Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal-[25 END]

  • 01.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 02.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 03.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 04.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 05.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 06.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 07.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 08.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 09.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 10.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 11.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 12.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 13.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 14.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 15.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 16.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 17.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 18.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 19.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 20.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 21.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 22.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 23.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 24.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

  • 25E.Komdav Nak Klang Lbech Chun Peal

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Burapa and Tawan are brothers and the sons of a well-known cop. They are very close as brothers. Burapa is into boxing, while Tawan wants to follow in their father’s footsteps to become a cop. One day, they hear a gun shot and go to see what is going on. This way, they witness a murder and when the time comes to point the finger at the killer, Tawan is not hesitant to do the right thing. Burapa knows that the bad guys will not leave their family alone and he begs Tawan not to be a witness. This is how the conflict begins.

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