Phob Somnang Sne-[12 END]

  • 01. Phob Somnang Sne

  • 02. Phob Somnang Sne

  • 03. Phob Somnang Sne

  • 04. Phob Somnang Sne

  • 05. Phob Somnang Sne

  • 06. Phob Somnang Sne

  • 07. Phob Somnang Sne

  • 08. Phob Somnang Sne

  • 09. Phob Somnang Sne

  • 10. Phob Somnang Sne

  • 11. Phob Somnang Sne

  • 12E. Phob Somnang Sne

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Phob Somnang Sne, Khmer Movie, khmer drama, video4khmer, movie-khmer, Kolabkhmer, Phumikhmer, Khmotions, phumikhmer1, khmercitylove, sweetdrama, khreplay
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Promising film-like production values, this show tells the story of an adopted lawyer from Canada (Lee Sung Jae), a Korean singer dreaming of escaping abroad (Kim Min Jung) and her manager (Uhm Tae Woong). However, the two boys are lost brothers, and they love the same woman.

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