Srolan Trov Phlas Pdor-[07 END]

  • 01. Srolan Trov Phlas Pdor

  • 02. Srolan Trov Phlas Pdor

  • 03. Srolan Trov Phlas Pdor

  • 04. Srolan Trov Phlas Pdor

  • 05. Srolan Trov Phlas Pdor

  • 06. Srolan Trov Phlas Pdor

  • 07E. Srolan Trov Phlas Pdor

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Srolan Trov Phlas Pdor, Club Friday the Series 9: Rak Tong Laek (2017), Club Friday The Series 9: Love Needs An Exchange , Club Friday The Series Season 9: Ruk Tong Laek , Club Friday the Series 9: Rak Khrang Nueng Thee Thueng Tai Ton Rak Tong Laek, Club Friday the Series 9 รักครั้งหนึ่ง ที่ไม่ถึงตาย ตอน รักต้องแลก, Khmer Movie, khmer drama, video4khmer, movie-khmer, Kolabkhmer, Phumikhmer, Khmotions, phumikhmer1, khmercitylove, sweetdrama, khreplay
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Jack and Aui are recently married. The two manage to find a house where they can cultivate a little garden. When they move in, they meet Tai and Palm who share their passion for gardening. Jack is hired to renovate their garden and the two families become close, especially Jack and Palm.

Jack and Palm soon develop strong feelings for one another, feelings they can’t hold back.

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